
Sustainability and natural solutions are in our DNA

Since 1882, our parent company Darling Ingredients has been a global leader in rendering and processing.  They’ve been recycling animal by-products and other waste streams for well over a century and have developed a range of expertise in turning waste into want. 

Today, Nature Safe produces organic fertilizers designed and formulated to provide a complete nutritional food to the soil – resulting in optimum plant development and growth. Nature Safe is a brand of Darling Ingredients. We source all our feed-grade proteins from Darling Ingredients to formulate our organic fertilizers.

Carbon footprint reduction

Nature Safe, a Darling Ingredients brand, continues to affect positive change by utilizing environmentally friendly practices. 

  1. We divert carbon- and nitrogen-rich materials away from the soil, surface waters, groundwater and the atmosphere through effective recycling; and
  2. We recycle the carbon and nitrogen we capture into useful products, which reduces the production of greenhouse gases that result when new products are produced and later discarded.

For each metric ton of carbon dioxide (CO2) produced by one of our operations, approximately seven metric tons of CO2 equivalents are recycled rather than being released into the atmosphere.  

For your soil and plant nutrition needs